An individual plan is intended to pay for the education of one beneficiary.
Anyone can open an individual plan and anyone can contribute to it. You can even open a plan for yourself. You usually don’t need to make a minimum deposit.
If the beneficiary doesn’t continue with their education after high school, you may be able to name another beneficiary.
A family plan can have more than one beneficiary. But each beneficiary must be:
Using the money for education:
Transferring RESP money among your children
You can transfer money between individual RESPs for siblings without any taxTax A fee the government charges on income, property, and sales. The money goes to finance government programs and other costs. penalties. And, you do not have to repay any Canada Education Savings Grants (CESGs). This applies to transfers that take place after 2010. The child who benefits must have been under 21 when the plan was opened.
Group plans work differently from individual and family plans, and each plan has its own rules. They also tend to have higher fees and more restrictive rules.
You can open a group plan for one child. They don’t have to be related to you. You must make a minimum depositMinimum deposit The lowest number of dollars you have to put in a bank account or other investment. when you open the plan.
Using the money for education:
Learn more about how group plans work.
If you change your mind
For all plans offered by scholarship plan dealers (including group plans), you have the right to withdraw all of your money within 60 days if you change your mind. After 60 days, you can get your money back, less any fees. Scholarship plan dealers are required to provide a prospectusProspectus A legal document that sets out the full, true and plain facts you need to know about a security. Contains information about the company or mutual fund selling the security, its management, products or services, plans and business risks. that includes a short Plan Summary with the information you need. Be sure to read and understand this document.
RESPs are for adults, too. You can save tax free for your own education in an individual RESPIndividual RESP An RESP that you open for a single child or other beneficiary. The beneficiary does not have to be related to you by blood. You choose when and how much you want to contribute.. However, the government grants are only for children aged 17 or younger.
Shop around before you buy. Different RESP providers and plans have different rules and fees.
You have 60 days to cancel plans provided by scholarship plan dealers without any penalty. Be sure to read and understand the rules outlined in the short Plan Summary provided in the plan prospectus.
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